How Game Engines , 3d Applications and free resources are trying to push AR / VR Development


 We all know that we also need a virtual life as we sometimes feel bored enough to live a life with so many rules, regulations, jobs, tension, pressure of losing or of family etc. we all must have faced such kind of fellow dramatic situation in our life. So we all want something where we don’t have to follow such dramas and live our life freely. Earlier we might be thinking that this is impossible but now some great people have made it done . now this all things will not be in our dream only but also we can experience it in reality. In last few years virtual reality (VR) and Augmented  technology has become much more than just sitting in a lab and only performing the practical, but it has increased  to next level.

Creating a VR is not that difficult nowadays . It has been quite easy as it doesn’t requires coding skills now . There are many free resources on online platforms that if you use them then you will be successful in making a good base plan for your project. For our readers we have listed down some free resources online that will help you in creating your own VR project.

Step 1:- Idea generation

If you are a starter,that means you have no experience about how to build a plan for your project ,so you can get some ideas by the project which are existing now and get some reference through them . Below is listed some of them .

V-Direct app :- This app will help you in creating the base project, from which you can get idea about how to plan and setup. Here many creators have already uploaded their idea so you can get reference from it . It is freely available on Google play store , you can download it from there.

Step 2:-  Wireframing and storyboard

Anything in sketching or drawing has to be done first in a rough page and then in the fair , just like this if you want to sketch something for your project then you should first try it somewhere and then using some apps you can built it virtually .

Storyboarder:-  if you have finished drawing your sketch and you are ready to put it in your project then you can get the help of storyboard. It is a good platform for making your sketch in realistic mode , here you can make your figures easily . This is also available for free for all windows &, Mac.

Step 3:- Footage and content

Till now you must have been confident about your plan about what you want to add in your project . For giving 3D action to your project you can use the below mentioned app.

Spincle :– we all know that there isn’t any way for creating a 360 degree effect . But spincle can help you in creating a 360 view for your project . In this it helps you to capture panorama and then combines the pictures and makes a 360 effect. This app is available for iOS and will be releasing soon for Android too.

Step 4:- 2D elements and graphics

As now we have done with 360 pictures also then we can think of putting some 2D effects as well, which includes videos and pictures. For this we will need the app which automatically starts videos and ends it on time and add pictures where we want . For such effects we can use Gimp.

GIMP:– We can download our image using Google image and for adding filters and retouching finish we can use this app . This app helps you to give a great effect to your picture, which helps it to look as good as it can be . This is also called as photoshop’s little brother . It available for Linux ,windows, and Mac .

3D Applications

3ds Max, Maya, Blender:- You will require to create 3D assets to fill the world. This can be anything from creatures and characters to surroundings like walls, garden and even houses. Without the assets everything will look like just blank space with placeholder objects, and no one will like! The three most popular 3D applications used are 3ds Max, Maya and Blender, each of them have their respective merits, so you can check these softwares and decide for yourself which will work best for your needs.

Step 5:- Audio

After adding such effects and pictures to it we are now set to add some sound to our project

For this we can use

Audiodeck:- We can use audiodeck to add some sound for the completion of our project that seems like real background sound. We can get most songs or sounds we want for our project here.

game engine

Step 6:- assembling all in one and executing our project. Using Game Engines

Now as we have done all our editing then we can add all the constituents of our project and compile them in one plan . For that we can use game engines . Some of the most popular Real time game engines in AR and VR technology right now are :-

Unreal engine : In the game development industry , Unreal engine needs no introduction. It has a great importance in gaming. It lets us feel the 3D impact of the platform in which we are playing or gaming.  It has free to use resources. And many tutorials and demonstrations to help in learning and understanding the details of game engines.

Cryengine :- This the benchmark of gaming development industry. It used to be paid, but now this game engines is Free. CryEngine is adopting “pay what you want” model, allowing users access to the game engines and source code without dishing out any money.

How Game Engines , 3d Applications and free resources are trying to push AR / VR Development -

Unity 3D:- It has grown to a great height and is now a competitor to unreal engine. We can use Unity as it is very easy to use and we can download it for free. Yup it”s free J. The benefit of creating with Unity is that you’ll find tons of resources, videos or articles, tutorials and editor documentation, as well as a community of creators whom you can network and share your ideas with

So you see there are different apps and game engines out there that can cater to your needs and if you are looking work on a specific genre, whether it’s 2D or 3D or VR/AR, for specific platforms or cross-platform, then you can choose one from the above list that’s tailored to your requirements.

About Author

An award-winning writer who writes about the products, people, and ideas that are revolutionizing business with technology. She dissects the latest business tech products and analyzes the internal components in order to help IT leaders make smart purchasing and deployment decisions.