Mixed Reality Apps – Creating a Parallel Virtual World


Mixed reality (MR) is coalescence of virtual and real worlds resulting into  hybrid real-world experiences and visualizations, where objects co-exist and interact in real time. Mixed reality apps definitely gonna be the next huge thing in emerging technology as per the current Market research analysis.

At this point, an estimation of around 3 billion users have installed these mixed reality apps and this will be gone ahead by 3 times by 2024 says a Juniper Research Forecast. These apps map interactive digital content on a device screen such as smart glasses, headset or smartphone.

Mixed reality includes popular augmented reality apps such as Harry Potter and Pokemon Go.   By the time Pokemon Go-mania swept the U.S., there is a famous speculation that augmented reality would be embraced at a scale by consumers and turns out to be an invaluable resource for retailers, brands and businesses.

Few segments of the tech industry have been committed to the idea that Augmented Reality and its related technologies will become ubiquitous, and AR devices such as headsets and smart glasses will replace the smartphone completely.In the coming years there comes a moment where consumers will adopt to smart glasses and other devices by involving them in mixed reality.  

Mixed reality appears like science fiction but it has some interesting applications when it comes to event sphere.

Factual Interaction Virtually

We all are familiar with video conferencing, with the introduction of VR into this will make these sessions more real, immersing one’s sense completely into Mixed reality.

It’s application can be a person calling their loved one who is miles away or students attending and seminar session giving remote attendance virtually to the Factual presentation happening at that moment.

Virtual Simulators

Virtual simulators aid in creating the real world experience which allow you to learn and feel in much real world situations. These are enhanced by VR where you feel you are experiencing it in a acres of Factual world while in actual you are just doing it in a few feet physical space.

Holographic Display using AR

While Virtual Reality can take you anywhere, AR will help you to see as it is with graphical representation onto a real terrain.These wearables contain sensors that can map the real physical environment and produce a holographic display. MR has has its feet into Lego Playgrounds a portal of innovation.

It’s application can be a maps or directions to a driver or a fighter pilot who can get their guidance and can never be lost. Using this Wearable devices are being built which can create a projection display of the virtual graphical screen. This may replace a smart phone in the coming years.

Fooling Taste Buds

There is a prototype of the gadget named Taste Buddy which is a new invention and its implications for future seem quite interesting. If everything goes well we can trick people in future to eat healthier. It usually tricks human taste buds to perceive something saltier or sweeter than actually it is.

Real-time Gaming experience with Gestures

Xbox employed with 3D TVs has been creating a real time gaming feel, using this technology it can create you realistic experience with real life gestures and movements. In the coming days if you employ the technology with Virtual reality you will have even more realistic experience as the environment surrounded by you changes even more as it has a graphical overlay. 

However, Mixed Reality is a blend of the world we stay in enriched by the technology that can create an additional dimension to what we are in right now. The apps which are being designed are incredibly enthusiastic and draws the end user attention very easily. 

We can expect more advanced and sophisticated devices in the upcoming years which can completely alter the human sense’s experience.

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