VR AR Could Aid Amidst CORONA breakout for Companies with Cancelled Workdays


Wreaking havoc the Coronavirus is everywhere with the fatalities growing and precautions being taken in all aspects of everyday life. Perhaps the possibility of a way to be out in the world without spreading the virus even further is closer than we thought.

The Solution is Near

COVID-19 spreads around the world similar to the symbiote suit in venom. With various events from concerts and press conferences to school, and corporate buildings being shut down to stop the spread of the virus the real solution might actually be closer to an old saying ‘prevention is better than the cure’. A future where interaction as if you were there comes at a crucial time. Virtual Reality technology could stop all harm, violence, and spread of diseases in hostile territories, or nations who just don’t have enough space or resources to accommodate large gatherings. Having the capability to place us inside of 3Dimensional space with the ability to interact with each other is almost upon us. 

VR AR Could Aid Amidst CORONA breakout for Companies with Cancelled Workdays -

All benefits and none of the risks of the world

Our environments define us. Watching your favourite band with your friends, The way a child feels when the teachers stare at them when they do not pay attention during a speech. All of this and a galaxy of other worlds are now possible in the Virtual Reality space. Many industrial are companies already using VR/XR technology. Partnered with Talespin VR a company who recently raised $15 million supplying enterprise based companies with programs to train their employees. Opposed to the old way of damaging expensive vehicles and equipment and potentially injuring the employee.

we will be able to explore the world constructed and connected with the rest of the population a virtual reality internet like space where you go in and see everyone online in the virtual space. The possibilities are as many as there are jobs, hobbies, events and experiences there are on this globe. All can technologically now be enjoyed in your own living connected to the ones you love even if they aren’t right next to you. 

AR VR headsets are going to be as necessary as a laptop or smartphone.

Though the dramatically high pricing of a decent VR headset runs at around $400, the interest in the technology hasn’t stopped teachers in China and other countries from inquiring about the Virtual Reality technology to remotely teach classes. The demand is steady the spread of the COVID – 19 virus might just be the call to arms needed to jolt the market with another breakthrough in the mechanics to make it more available to more people. 

VR AR Could Aid Amidst CORONA breakout for Companies with Cancelled Workdays -

Spatial has a partnership with cellular operators in various countries across the world for 5G along with a partnership with AR headset manufacturer Nreal. Manufacturers of ultrathin and lightweight AR glasses that attach to your phone. The future has Mixed Reality technology written all over it. The accessibility factor will change with time. Just like all gadgets that break a barrier Virtual Reality is a new horizon for the way we do things in our world. 

Evolving fast for a better future

By the time you read this, there may already be a new dimension being added to the way we interact at some VR startup. The missing link in connectivity in the experience now being solved affordability can’t be too far away. Technology breakthroughs in this and age are so revolutionary that they can save lives.